Aegina Technologies operates a QMS which complies to the requirements of AS9100 REV D / BS EN 9100:2018, ISO 9001:2015 and assessed and certified in accordance with EN 9104-001:2013. We are certified to manufacture precision engineered components to the aerospace, oil, gas and underwater industries utilising solid modelling and surface machining to support both design and programming requirements.
The Quality Policy demonstrates the commitment of management to provide a quality service to customers, set and monitor quality objectives, and continually improve the effectiveness of the QMS.
The customer requirements are determined at the sales enquiry stage, on receipt of PO and continually during the manufacturing process with the aim of meeting those requirements and enhancing customer satisfaction.
Systems are in place to measure product conformity and on-time delivery performance. The Quality Policy is continually reviewed as part of the management review process and is re-issued at least once per year.
Quality objectives are set, measured and monitored by the management review processes supported by internal audits. The actual objectives change from time to time but always meet the criteria of being Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (S.M.A.R.T).